Hello, fellow degenerates that flock to the alter of GAMBLOR, it’s that time of year once again. The Royal Rumble is nigh upon us, meaning that it’s time to place money down on a scripted event to see who will walk away with a nice $150 pot.

Or, as it has been since the last two years that I’ve run this, watching our money go straight to Eddie.

This year, it’s Eddie vs. All! The two time champ is overly cocky and confident, so it’s time to knock him off his perch.

We have six previous entrants in and I am looking for more people to join the fun. Here’s how this works:

  • We get people to sign up. Simply shot a tweet @ndtex and I will put you on the list. We keep this on Twitter because I’ll make a list for folks to follow to watch us lose our minds over this.
  • We have 6 entrants now, but we can up the total to 10 or 15. That way everyone gets an even amount of entrants. We aren’t doing 30 because having only one entrant is not very fun. Imagine watching Heath Slater being your only entrant. Sure, he’s amazing, but we know that’s not gonna happen.
    • If we have a number of entrants that don’t match the 10 or 15 number, they will be added to a wait list.
  • Each slot will cost $5. As of now, the 6 entrants will pay $25 each. If we get 10, the cost goes down to $15 and if we fill 15 slots, the cost will be only $10.
  • Like the Rumble, this is winner-take-all. The official WWE result we be what matters. So if your winner gets screwed and say, Vince walks out and says “NO THIS GUY WON”, you’ll know how Bret Hart felt.
  • If for some reason the match goes no-contest (I have no idea how, but, hey WWE logic), the winner will be determined by the entrant that eliminated the most competitors.
  • If the match is declared a tie, the pot will be split among each person that has each “winning” entrant. This means if three people “tie” and one person has two of those entrants, they receive two thirds of the pot and the remaining one-third will go to the other “winner”.
  • Your money will be due the Friday before the Rumble (Jan 22) via PayPal (roritter at gamil dot com) so I can find replacements if needed/notify people on the waiting list.
  • Entrants will be announced via a Periscope drawing on Saturday, Jan 23. Keep an eye on my Twitter feed.
  • Official record keeping is here.

This is a ton of fun, even if you are lighting money on fire (but, hey, better odds than Powerball!). Be sure to hit me up on Twitter @ndtex if you are interested and for the love of God, let’s not let Eddie win again this year.

Published by NDtex

Texan by birth, Irish by choice.

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