
AL West, meet your unmaker…complete with a Dora the Explorer backpack.

Now, I’m not going to write and harp on C.J.’s blown save from last night. I believe the radio said that the Rangers were 50-0 when leading after 8 innings, so I mean, it’s baseball, blown saves are going to happen every now and then. When you’ve been lights out for that long, you are allowed to have a setback here and there.

No, last night belonged to Neftali Feliz and even a hard loss isn’t going to take away his electric debut.

With 30 pitches, 21 of which were strikes, Neftali started his career with two perfect innings. Not only did he pitch lights out, he struck out the first four batters he faced. Two of those strikeouts came via his splitter/changeup, clocked at 90 and 91. He hit triple digits three times, topping out at 101.

He throws hard.

There is zero doubt he has the potential to be a truly dominate power pitcher for the Rangers. While his future will be as a starter, I am going to be glued to Ranger games in the middle innings to see if he will get to come in the game.

I know Holland has been touted as the better prospect in rankings, but even as much as I like watching Holland pitch, there is nothing more electric than watching someone walk up to the mound and throw 100+ like it is nothing.

To hell with the Angels playing out of their minds and the fact that we blew a win last night. These are still damned good baseball times in Texas.

Published by NDtex

Texan by birth, Irish by choice.

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