It’s been some time since I’ve written anything in here. Typically I lay out plans for my marathon stream, post the awful drinks that I will consume, and generally keep things more up to date.
I don’t know if y’all have noticed, but things are slightly crazy right now.
The good news is that I took advantage of These Trying Times™ and done quite a bit of streaming and fundraising already. My campaign has already raised $9,670 of my $11,306.35 goal, surpassing twelve (!) milestones, resulting in a mix of awful drinks and really spicy food consumed.
I’ll talk more about the milestones in another post as there is a reason for the strange numbers this year. However, I’m here to talk about the main event, which from the title, you can see is November 7 this year.
Typically, I’ve avoided the national Game Day and done my marathon in December. This was to avoid conflicts with college football which a large part of my audience, and myself, is rather in to.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in These Trying Times™ it’s that trying to plan things out so neatly is a fool’s errand. Sure, November 7 might just have the biggest Notre Dame game of the year, if not the biggest game of the year against Clemson. It also might not happen. It could end up happening in December. It could happen in 2021.
So instead of dodging the date and the games, I’m going to try to lean into it as best I can. ND/Clemson is scheduled to kick off at 6:30 PM in God’s time zone (central time), so I will start at 6:00 PM regardless if football happens or not.
While I can’t co-stream the game on Twitch, I can deliver some real-time reactions. Granted, there will be a Twitch delay, but I think it will be fun. Perhaps we even use Discord to get a peanut gallery involved! Think of it as the Notre Dame Fan Feed that happened last year for Notre Dame vs. Boston College, but more insane and with more internet lag.
On the video game side, I will play as much as I can of the Halo series. I’m hoping to clear both Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 within the marathon. Obviously, if football happens that might be a bit rough, but it will be fun regardless.
The death tax will be in play as well as multiple donation incentives to make my gaming life hell. If the game happens, I will make sure to integrate it into the donation fun as well. Plus, to keep things interesting, we will have two types of milestones during game day proper:
- Amount Raised – Awful and Painful Halo-Themed Drinks
- Number of Donors – Hot Ones Style Wing Challenge
I am making sure to have a food/spicy oriented challenge because this year’s big payoff is taking me straight to Flavor Town! If we hit the $11,306.35 goal, I will get a complete Guy Fieri dye job. Actual flame shirt may or may not be included.
I’m very excited to take part in this next month and start building up the hype here with more announcements, including the specifics of the game day drinks & wing sauces!
Be sure you are following me on Twitch to get in on the fun and spread the word about my Extra Life campaign via word of mouth by directing folks to! Oh, and here’s a preview of what the payoff will look like thanks to Brendan who has much better photoshop skills than I.