Make that eight straight rubies that have been adorned on the Jeweled Shillelagh. The seven year famine of ND victories continued this past Saturday in South Bend. The game was much like many of the games we’ve seen all season from the Fighting Irish: fall behind, have a comeback, and have the game decided on […]
Author Archives: NDtex
Preparing for the Fall of Troy
I’ll be honest, I have seriously attempted to sit down and write a breakdown of the Washington game, but I couldn’t. The only thing on my mind as soon as the Irish walked off the field in victory was: “Beat SC.” I attempted to try to write a usual entry of statistical analysis and a […]
Important Info if You Attended the Stars Home Opener
First off, apologies I have been dark. I am aware I have a ND game/heart attack to write about, as well as catch up on the Cowboys, but this last weekend was a whirlwind and to make things even better, I got stick at the tail end of it. So yeah, blogging not at the […]
The Fat Lady Has Sung
The Rangers are now officially playing meaningless baseball — this season though, we got to stick along for the ride until the end of September. While bittersweet, especially considering what was no less than a complete collapse a couple of weeks ago, it has been a very long time since I’ve been able to stay […]
Initial ND/Purdue Post Game Reactions
I’m going to be straight with everyone right now, I’m extremely conflicted about this win. Now I really don’t want to be one of those fans that does his damnedest to try to find every single little thing wrong with the team. I’m not trying to be a downer on the whole situation in the […]
MSU Breakdown/Purdue Preview
I know, I know, I’m behind. Hey, we got a night game tonight and it is going to be a long journey through crappy Big Ten games airing today until we finally get our very own crappy Big Ten opponent. So let’s take a journey through the last week or so for the Irish before […]